Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Adventures In Medical Equipment

So... I'm ever more amazed at all the things that Morgan needs. She is a marvel of paperwork, appointments and projects. She's totally worth it. But still, a lot of things to address. And the biggest project we've had to conquer thus far is getting her set up with medical equipment.

A few months back, at one of Morgan's visits to her Pediatrician, I was informed that I would soon need to start thinking about getting Morgan fitted for a wheelchair. This didn't come as surprise to me though it was still a little tough to hear. Since then, we've taking some steps. We got a chair that she is using now (sort of a loaner) and from that, have learned what she really needs. Back in January, I started the process of getting Morgan a custom wheelchair and bath chair.

And what a process it has been.

I had to contact our insurance and find out what they would cover, then I called Medicaid and found out the same from them. This took several phones calls with many transfers to the right person who would know that answer. Finally, I knew what the rules were.

I had to call the medical equipment/wheelchair providers and ask them about insurance, requirements and the necessary paperwork. We found a good one.

I had to call the Pediatrician's office and get the Letters of Medical Necessity and Prescriptions and have them fax over to the Medical Supply place.

Then, we had to set up a consultation/fitting with Morgan's Physical Therapist and the Supplier...
And so on a so forth.

Morgan's Physical Therapist had quite a bit of paperwork to do on it as well, from what I understand.
So I'm very impressed with how involved the process is but we've had a lot of help along the way.

Now, it's April and I think we can expect all of her stuff to be here in early June. The Pediatrician did warn us that it would take awhile and I find myself lusting after the new equipment. I can't wait until it arrives. It will make life a little easier. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Two Years Old!

Morgan is now two!

Only two years. How is it possible that it has only been two years since Morgan's birth? That she is now two years old? That, somehow 15 years worth of worry and stress got crammed into two years? I have to laugh. So many people say to me that it goes by really fast. And in most cases, they are absolutely right. Kyle's 2nd birthday came and went in a flash and now I'm looking at a little boy who will be six this year. Amazing. But with Morgan, I don't think time went by quite as quickly, and at certain points in this journey, took a few years to get through some of the hard stuff which took a few days in real time.

And now, somehow we are here. In a pretty good place I think, and truly grateful to be able to celebrate this birthday.

Morgan is doing some amazing things. She's trying to communicate, she's trying to sit up on her own and crawl. She's reaching for people and things that she wants and she has discovered the joy of splashing in the tub, getting me soaked in process. Her vision continues to improve as does her strength. Her progress is slow, but little by little, she shows us what she's made of (pretty strong stuff if you ask me).

We've accomplished a lot this year, learning new things all the time. I have to shout out a big Thank You to her team of therapists who are constantly working to figure Morgan out and give us the tools to work with her. Without them (you know who you are!) we would be lost.

Happy Birthday my Sweet Girl, my Little Ball of Worry, my Courage Incarnate.