Sunday, May 17, 2015

Superman vs. The Black Widow (and I Don't Mean DC vs. Marvel)

Wednesday was beautiful. It was sunny and just warm enough to really enjoy opening the windows and back door. We are ready for warm weather, and no one more than Kyle. While I stayed with Morgan, Kyle took his Superman toy outside to play.

He was out playing for about a half hour when I heard "Mommy, a spider on Superman! Mommy, a spider!" I went out on the deck and asked him where. "On Superman's cape!" Kyle was stomping up the stairs holding his Superman toy. "Where was the spider Kyle?" I asked again. "On Superman's cape, but then it ran away." "What color was it?" I asked. "It was black," he replied. Okay. Kyle sometimes mistakes brown for black but I thought I should look into it further. "Show me where Superman was when you saw the spider?" So Kyle led me to our wood fence by the pine tree. There were two large bricks leaning against the fence and Kyle indicated that Superman had been laying beside those bricks.

I could see the outline of the Superman toy in the dirt. At the end of one of the bricks was a fine, chaotic looking web. Uh oh, was all I thought. Using the toe of my shoe, I delicately tipped the brick over to see what was behind. Sure enough, the ugliest, most disgusting of spiders, a black widow, lay behind. I tipped over the next brick. More! More ugly, nasty, disgusting, horrible, heebie-jeebie inducing bits of hell lay behind those bricks! And nests. God only knew what was in those things, but lots of nests.

I told Kyle to stay back. I asked him if he touched it, if it bit him. He kept saying no. Thank goodness! Ugh. With Kyle following me, I checked on Morgan and then fetched the bug spray from the garage. I know chemicals may not be the greatest to use around kids, but I do not care. When it comes to black widows, it is time to resort to chemical warfare.

I sprayed those horrible, nasty, hateful things and sent them back to hell where they belong. All the while Kyle was giggling at me. I made all kinds of disgusted noises like, "Ahhhh! eeeesh! blah! yuck! yuck! yuck!" When really I was using all kinds of swear words in my head that I really didn't want Kyle to hear.

I ended up spraying the bottom of the rest of the fence, the perimeter of the house and other places that held potential. I'm happy to report the ones behind the bricks are dead and the bricks in the garbage.

You can probably tell that I don't like spiders. I especially don't like black widows. And that incident came too close to Kyle for comfort. Damn spiders. I think it's safe to say that I will be more vigilant about monitoring what little creatures decide to take residence in our yard. And it's safe to say that through sheer luck, Superman and Kyle won. 

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